API's cloud platforms Low code Power Apps

API’s and cloud platforms will soon hit us full on

Saw this interesting tweet a few days ago. I think it beautifully distills how software development is changing. Both the content and the origin of the retweet tells a story about were the world is heading.

API’s and cloud platforms have been around for a while, but it has taken time for the potential to catch on more widely among business managers outside tech.

The high quality and easy-to-use API’s now available with most modern solutions gives unprecedented possibility of tying information and processes together with ease. In turn, this creates a possibility to easily build meaningful applications that run on top of a cloud platform. The constantly increasing possibilites in Microsoft Power Apps is an obvious example. New connectors are made available frequently and in addition you can create your own custom connection to a REST API.

Read more? Microsoft’s documentation on the Custom API solution is found here:

Dataverse Power Apps Teams

Evaluating the new Innovation Backlog for Teams

Once you introduce Power Apps to your organization, you’ll hopefully (or rather, probably) get flooded with proposals on other things that could be solved with a Power App. Rather than answering those proposals with “maybe’s” and “in due time”, wouldn’t it be great to direct the newly enthused Power App converts to a Power App environment that urges them to think a little more about what they want to accomplish. And gives you an opportunity to share and prioritize all the ideas you get.

Microsoft launched a tool to keep track of your innovation ideas, called Innovation Backlog, which launched on January 14th. It works either as a standalone application, or integrated in Teams via Dataverse for Teams.

As I tested out installing the Teams-integration to check it out, following the Microsoft documentation. The installation was more cumbersome than clicking a few buttons, but as a method to unpack and configure a solution within Teams, I’m very impressed.

The user is prompted to enter six steps for the idea, covering a high-level description of the idea, the people and the tools involved, the benefit of solving the problem, the proposed workflow, and the a module to calculate the complexity of the solution.

Six steps for the user to enter

And it’s a smooth ride. You can upload workload schemas from e.g. Visio, or create them within the app, which seems pretty nifty. It has a lot of great default values for the user to choose from when calculating the ROI.

Some of the UX leaves a bit to ask for, like how it was hard to find the other categories than Time for ROI measures, and like how the button text next to the icons are not clickable.

But generally, the application gave me quite a few “I wonder how they did that!”-experiences, for example having collapsible galleries that could be really useful.

What it looked like when I submitted my idea for a bulk-uploading tool to SQL.

When it comes to the usefulness of the tool, it demands pretty sophisticated input users, with a pretty sophisticated idea. Some PMO organizations implement this kind of tool for exactly that purpose: to prune out unrealistic or unrefined ideas by raising the threshold too high, and that might be a good idea if you have too many good ideas.

The downside, however, is that you’d likely exclude some really good and really impactful ideas. I believe that the power of low-code tools like the Power Platform really lies in the accessibility to all ranks in the organization, and it’s likely to have the greatest impact in areas that do not have a sophisticated process-design thinking. To demand that level of refinement in order to hear an idea, is likely to exclude too many good ideas.

So my suggestion is to remove the workflow-input, and have the PMO (or whoever is doing the prioritization) evaluate that after the initial selection has been made.

Calculating ROIs in order to support prioritization of ideas seems like a great idea on paper. We should only do the things that have a high enough ROI, and we should do the projects with the best yield first.

But just looking at the wide range of suggested benefit alternatives in the app clearly paints the picture that you are not comparing apples to apples. A way to circumvent that is to translate everything to cash, but most cases this becomes a theoretical exercise that looks scientific but is so loosely linked to reality that it should not be the ground for your decisions.

But hopefully, you still have too many good ideas, and need to prioritize somehow?

I’m proposing a voting system as an alternative. In order for an application to have real impact, it requires engaged users that are looking forward to co-creating and utilizing the app. And looking at how many votes an idea has is a good gauge for that.

Admittedly, this will bias the prioritization towards ideas that helps many people, while impactful solutions for bottleneck processes in smaller teams might be overlooked. So the PMO still needs to curate the selection and focus on some wildcards for the smaller teams. Or, better yet, encourage everyone with an overlooked idea to develop the application themselves.

All that requires that you build a customized canvas app, and the Innovation Backlog is ready for usage (after 22 steps of installation). So if you’re in the starting blocks and want to focus your development resources on solving real business problems instead of meta problems like backlog prioritization, it could be a great idea to start with the Innovation Backlog.

Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps Power Automate SQL

Increasing app security through SQL Server Stored Procedures

Data security will always be a relevant topic, regardless of how advanced you are in your Power Apps development. Security levels in Power Apps will vary from whether or not you have access to the app to row- and field-level security based on your Azure AD. But regardless, the underlying data source must either be shared or implicitly shared with the user, in order for the application to work.

This poses a problem, since shared and implicitly shared connections can be used to access the data outside of the application, i.e. the data sources can be read and altered in other ways than the application intended. Your company’s IT department might not be too happy about granting everyone read- and write access to the SQL Server data warehouse so you can test your budgeting application.

Does this mean that you must choose to either give full access to everyone in your organization, or limit Power Apps to only the few privileged who can be trusted with all the data?

Fortunately no. By connecting the application to SQL Server Stored Procedures that create, read, update or delete records from you SQL tables, you can limit the users to only do what the application was intended for.

This post will detail how you can achieve this, with a monthly result commenting example.

NOTE: Running stored procedures, as well as many other SQL-related tasks in Power Automate, requires a Premium Account. You can run a free trial if you want to test out the solution before committing.

The Scenario

Your application users will be able to read the result for a cost center with data coming from both a Budget and an Actuals table. They will then be able to create new rows in a Comments table. The tables reside in SQL Server.

The end user will see the results for the cost centers, and be able to post a comment regarding the variance.

It would be risky to give the cost center owners access to the accounting and budget tables, so we want to restrict their access to the actions intended by the application.

The setup

The example architecture, with three sources, two stored procedures and two related flows

Our application will have three tables, and will fetch and write to the underlying data tables through running Stored Procedures with Power Automate.

The Fetch Result workflow will combine the budget and actual tables, delegating some of the calculations to SQL Server through the stored procedure. The output will then be stored as a Collection in the app.

The Write Comment workflow will look at an input box within the application, and submit this (together with some meta data) as a new row into the Comments table.

The tables look as follows:

The three tables for our example

The Comments table is currently empty, and the Actuals and Budget tables have some values that will give some kind of variance to comment on.

Setting up the application

Skeleton of the application

The application that I’m building for the example will have the user choose a cost center and then comment on it. For simplicity, it will not show previous comments or any other functionality – only create a new row in the comments section.

The Cost Center, User, and Date input boxes will be filled based on the Gallery Selection, logged in user, and today’s date, respectively. So the user will only have to fill in the comment section, and click the Comment-button.

Writing the Stored Procedures

Let’s start with fetching the data. I’m thinking that a good set-up could be to let SQL join the Actual and Budget tables into one, and calculate the variance for us, and then send a summarized table to the Power App. As the example business grows, a single cost or revenue center could have plenty of transactions, and it’s better to delegate the calculations to SQL Server.

So the output that we want should look like:

Table to import to the app

The data that we have in the Actuals table has several records, while the Budget table seems aggregated, meaning that we will have to create a temporary table that summarize the Actuals-amounts on Cost centers, and then join the two tables. Here’s the code:

-- SQL example code -- 
-- Create a temporary table to store the summarized transactions in 
     cost_center CHAR(5), 
     actuals     INT 

-- Populate the temporary table with the summarized actuals per cost center 
SELECT cost_center, 
       Sum(amount) AS 'Actuals' 
FROM   dbo.actuals 
GROUP  BY cost_center 

-- Join the temporary table with the Budget table on Cost Center 
SELECT a.cost_center  AS 'Cost_Center', 
       Sum(a.actuals) AS 'Actuals', 
       Sum(b.amount)  AS 'Budget' 
FROM   dbo.temp AS a 
       LEFT JOIN dbo.budget AS b 
              ON a.cost_center = b.cost_center 
GROUP  BY a.cost_center 

-- Remove the temporary table 
DROP TABLE dbo.temp 

Now, we want to create a Stored Procedure out of this. A Stored Procedure is some SQL code that you save in your database, that can be called upon to be executed. It can have various results. If the SQL code is an Insert Into type of query, the result is a new row, and if the code is a Select-statement, the output would be a table with the defined rows and columns.

Power Apps cannot itself call upon a Stored Procedure, but Power Automate can. Hence, we can trigger a workflow in Power Automate with a Power Apps button, and execute the Stored Procedure as defined.

Once you have your SQL code (I have mine posted above), it’s easy to create a Stored Procedure. Just add

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name

to your query. As illustrated in the first picture, I will need two stored procedures, one for fetching the data and one for adding the comments. So with the Fetch Results example above, you would add as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE fetch_results


-- Create a temporary table to store the summarized 
  ... (see full statement above)

For the procedure where we want to insert values into a new row in the comments table, we first need to define the parameters (which we will ultimately will extract from the Power App) and then make a Insert Into query that makes good use of those parameters.

The SQL code will look something like:

-- Create the stored procedure to write comments in Comments table 
  -- Define the needed paramenters to insert 
  @inp_Cost_Center  CHAR(5), 
  @inp_Comment      CHAR(200), 
  @inp_Comment_user CHAR(100), 
  @inp_Comment_date DATE 
    -- Code to insert the selected parameters into respective column 
    INSERT INTO dbo.comments 
    VALUES     (@inp_Cost_Center, 

After running those queries, the two Stored Procedures has been saved to our database, and we can call upon them by writing

-- Run procedure to get results data
EXEC fetch_result

-- Run procedure to insert new comments
EXEC write_comments 
   @inp_cost_center = '11111',
   @inp_comment = 'Example comment here, up to 200 chars',
   @inp_comment_user = 'Karl-Johan',
   @inp_comment_date = GetDate()

Next we have to create a Power Automate workflow that we can trigger from the app that executes the Stored Procedures as we want them.

Creating the Power Automate workflow

This section is greatly indebted to Brian Dang’s post and video on using Power Apps as a front end for writing SQL code. I warmly recommend looking at the link for a more detailed walkthrough of running stored procedures with Power Automate and fetching its results.

You can start creating your Flow from within Power Apps or from the Power Automate website, depending on your preference. In Power Apps, you find it in the Action ribbon, to the far right as Power Automate.

Launching Power Automate within Power Apps

Second, we want to create a blank flow, that is triggered by Power Apps (it can either be triggered by a button or something like OnVisible).

Creating a blank Flow
Name the Flow and choose Power Apps as trigger

If you have choosen the Power Apps trigger, you will get that as an initial step in your Flow. Our flow will consist of three steps: the Power Apps trigger, a step called Execute a Stored Procedure (V2), and finally a step called Response that sends the output from the Stored Procedure back to the Power App.

Start by adding the steps: you find them by searching for SQL and Response respectively:

Search for SQL among the tasks, and choose Execture Stored Procedure (V2)
Search for ‘Response’ and choose the action

Let’s start with configuring the Execute Stored Procedure (V2) step. You choose the applicable settings for the database where you ran your Create Procedure script. I didn’t find my database at first, but you can switch connection in the three dots in the top right hand corner of the action. Then choose the database and the Stored Procedure that you have created. All is fine and dandy!

Second, let’s configure the Response step. This is a bit more technical, and if you get stuck, check out Brian Dang’s video for further clarification.

The Response action creates an output from the flow based on a JSON-script. But you need to help it along a little bit to tell it how it should interpret the script.

Once you have added the step, start by saving the Flow, and then run Test in the upper right hand corner of the screen (next to the Save-button). Then choose to trigger the Flow manually, and then Save & Test.

We will perform the test with a manual trigger

The Test-procedure will check your connections and such, and if all looks well there, you get to Run Flow. It should go smoothly, so when you click Done, you should end up with something a little bit like:

A successful test.

Click on the Execute Stored Procedure (V2) step, to expand the output. If you scroll down a bit, you get to see the Body output. Copy the text within the outer bracket [, i.e. exclude the first ResultSets and Table1. Make sure not to copy the closing curly brackets } in the end of the text relating to ResultSets and Table1.

Copy the text within the body section within the outmost straight bracket [

Go back to Edit mode of the flow. Open up the Advanced Options in the Response action, and click Generate from Sample.

Paste the sample text from the Test-output that we copied earlier, and click Done. You will get an autogenerated Response body schema.

Paste the sample text and get an autogenerated schema based on the sample data

You can have a look through the code to see that it makes sense, for example that the column types are correct.

Ensure that the column typs are correct. For example, do we want Cost_Center to be of type ‘String’?

That sets the skeleton for the output. Now we need to tell the Response function how we’d like this data to be presented to our Power App. This is done in the Body-section of the Response action. Put the cursor in the Body-section, open up the Expression section, and enter the code below. Then click Save or Update, and you are good to go!

Enter the expression for what output we’d like from the Response action

The second flow is simpler, as it only contains two steps: the trigger and the Execute Stored Procedure V2-action. You may of course want to expand on this in a real application, but in the example, simply entering the data into the Comments table will be sufficient.

So precisely as in the steps described before, set up the Execute Stored Procedure V2-action, with the Write_Comments procedure.

Just one additional thing. Remember how we defined a bunch of parameters in the SQL query. Here, we have the opportunity to tell Power Automate where to fetch information for those parameters. For all of them, we want to ask in Power Apps what the information should be.

To do that, you put the cursor in respective field, and click on See more under Dynamic Content, and select Ask in Power Apps. Do this for each parameter.

Select “Ask in Power Apps” for all parameters.

Save, test, and done! Easy peasy.

Now the components are in place for the application. So let’s have a look at how we can connect the Flow to the application.

Connecting the Power Automate Flow and making your application work

Let’s assemble the parts we have created in our app. Firstly, we need to do something with the data that we create in the fetch_results stored procedure. In order to work with it, let’s load it in a Collection when the application starts.

Select the App in the Tree View, and then select the OnStart property. Here, you can tell the application what to do as it starts, and you can simulate starting the app by clicking on the three dots next to App in the Tree View and click Run OnStart.

To create a Collection upon launching the app, use the ClearCollect function. I’m calling my collection _Results, and I’m loading it with the table that is the output from the Fetch_Result Flow. Hence, the code is:

OnStart = ClearCollect(_Results, Fetch_Result.Run())
Configure your app to run the Fetch_Result upon launching

As the output from Fetch_Result is a ready table, and the Flow does not require any parameters, we don’t need to do anything else. The data will load, and we can use _Results as the Item-property in the gallery we created.

The Write_Comments Flow requires some more input. We need to tell it where to find the information it will enter in the various columns. The names might be a bit bulky, but you should be able to make out which parameter is which. In the example, the code for the OnSelect property of the button I added is:


So I take the comment from the inpComment input box, the date is the current date (the output from the Today()-function), the commenting user fetches the full name from the currently logged in M365 user, and the cost center comes from the selected cost center in the gallery.

I added some more code to Reset the comment box upon completion, as well as send the user a small “hoorah” for submitting the comment

The user can now see the condensed results in the gallery, and create records in the Comments table, just as we wanted them to be able to.

There are several directions into which we could improve the example app. We could add row-level security, so that the users only could comment on their cost centers, by passing a user group parameter and filter the results table on that parameter. Or we could fetch and show the latest comments in the comments table, and maybe edit them directly. The SQL Stored Procedure methodology supports (maybe even simplifies) this type of development. And the data stored in the app is fit for purpose, and the data source is better protected at the same time.

Further reading

Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps

Delegation: whats and workarounds

The primary strength of Power Apps is how easy it is to build very robust solutions with few internal weaknesses. This is both in part secured and threatened by a concept called Delegation. You will likely encounter delegation warnings early on as you start building canvas apps. Here’s why they occur, what they mean, and how you can work around them.

Thank God for delegation!

Generally speaking, delegation is when you pass something from an entity to another. Specifically for Power Apps, it means passing the task of calculation to the data source, rather than fetching the full dataset and calculating it within the app. This to help make your app fast and efficient, even though you are using large underlying datasets. By delegating queries, you limit the amount of data and calculations within the app.

By moving the processing of the data to the data source, our apps can be made faster. But in order to do this, we need to be able to tell the data source what we mean when we write Power Apps syntax, in it’s own language. Microsoft provides a list of delegable functions, which is continuously extended.

What does delegation warnings mean?

So what does it mean when the blue double-underlines and warning triangle pop up?

Delegation warnings marked with a warning triangle and blue double-underline

Since there’s not a 1:1 match between what the Power Apps language is intended for and what the data source is intended for, there are things the Power Apps language can do that the data source is not suited to do. Operations and functions that cannot be delegated to the data source gets a delegation warning.

A delegation warning means that the operation is only evaluated on the first 500 rows of the dataset, that is loaded and stored into the app. There is a possibility of extending this to 2000 rows, but this slows down the app and will pose the same problems as your dataset goes beyond 2000 rows.

As an example, let’s say you have a 500+ rows dataset where you store data for an auction. We store data for the auction item in a ItemTable and the information about bids on the items in a BidTable, as below:

Two tables for an auction app

There’s an auto-increment on the Bid_ID, so in order to get the current highest bid for an item, we try to filter the BidTable on Item_ID and MAX(Bid_ID).

But MAX() is not a delegable function. So if our BidTable is larger than 500 rows, Power Apps will only look at the top 500 rows it loads, and take the maximum value out of those rows, and not out of the full data set, potentially showing a lower highest bid.

A data set like BidTable is likely to grow beyond 500 or 2000 rows as the app continuous to be used, so using non-delegable functions here is not a robust solution. It will work against smaller datasets that are certain to not exceed 500 or 2000 rows, but you must be aware of this limitation in case specifications change going forward.

How to resolve a delegation warning

If there’s a problem, there’s usually a workaround. The talented Power Apps community has found and shared solutions to many problems, for example in Reza Dorrani’s excellent video on delegation workarounds.

There’s a workaround for our Max-function in the bidding example, so we can make it robust beyond 500 or 2000 rows. Let’s say that we want to show the current highest bid in a label called labHighestBid, for a selected item in the gallery galAuctions. When we try to use the Max-function as follows:

Text = Max(
        Item_ID = galAuctions.Selected.Item_ID,
        Bid_ID = Max(Bid_ID)

we get a delegation warning on Bid_ID = Max(Bid_ID).

What we need to do instead is to define a variable as follows:

                Item_ID = galAuctions.Selected.Item_ID

What’s going on here? The calculations that we are asking the data source to perform, is to give us a filtered table of all the rows that has the Item_ID that we have selected in the Gallery, sorted by the numeric column Bid_ID. Then we take the top record, and extract the Bid_Amount information from that record.

To make this work, you can define this variable OnVisible for the relevant screen, as well as OnSelect in the galAuction gallery (so it updates when you select a different item.

The reason why delegation does not work in most cases, is because the formula is trying to evaluate something in the data source out of a row context in Power Apps. This creates a lot of network chatter, with information for each row going back and forth between the app and the data source.

Take our bidding Max-function example. The way it would evaluate what the maximum Bid_ID is for each item, is to filter and evaluate the BidTable again and again for each row in the Power App. We would send as many queries to the data source as there are rows in the Power App.

The proposed workaround sends a request to the data source that does not change with the Power Apps information. It asks for a singular Item_ID to filter the BidTable on, and asks it to sort it nicely for us (things that both e.g. SQL Server and Sharepoint is capable of doing). And from that, we extract the top value, which we know will be the maximum value. The workaround does the max-calculation within Power Apps, as it evaluates the whole filtered dataset, so it will fetch all the rows that match the filter criteria from the data source to the app, potentially making it slower.


  • Delegation speeds up our apps by asking the data source to conduct the calculations on their end instead of within the app, but all functions aren’t delegable.
  • If a function isn’t delegable to the data source, the Power App developer will receive a delegation warning. This is a problem for datasets larger than 500 or 2000 rows, where the information shown may be incorrect if delegation warnings are ignored.
  • When you encounter a delegation warning, there’s usually a workaround to your problem, such as importing a filtered data set into a variable and conducting the calculation within the application.
Power Apps

Animations using Timer

In order for people to adopt your Powerapp, you need to pay attention to the design and user experience. Apps with few bells and whistles are easier to understand, and focusing on alignment, relative styling, screen transitions, and notifications will help you build a good-looking application. But sometimes, you may want to add that little extra to your app to make it look professional. This post details how you can use a timer to animate objects in your app.

The timer object

You can access the timer object from the Insert Ribbon, under Input controls. It appears as a button-like object, with the text 00:00:00 (corresponding to hh:mm:ss).

Timer object is found under Insert > Input > Timer

The timer has a few key concepts that makes it really useful.

  • AutoStart/AutoPause: Decides whether the control automatically starts/pauses when the user navigates to/from the screen that contains the object.
  • Duration: The maximum amount of milliseconds the timer can count to. Maximum value is 24 hours, and default is 60 seconds.
  • OnTimerEnd: Tells the application how to react when timer reaches the duration-time.
  • Repeat: Boolean for whether the timer restarts upon timer end
  • Start: Boolean whether the timer starts

The last function requires some further explanation. This is the function that we can use to trigger the timer from another control, say e.g. a button. In order to do this, we have to use a context that takes a boolean (true/false) value.

The following example sets up the context _timerStart in OnStart for the screen that has a timer and a button to start and pause the timer.

//Set up the context in OnVisible
OnVisible = UpdateContext({_timerStart: false})
//Code the button to alternately start and pause the timer
OnSelect = If(_timerStart, 
    UpdateContext({_timerStart: false}),
    UpdateContext({_timerStart: true}))
//Set the Start-function on the Timer to fit the context
Start = _timerStart
How it looks when you activate a timer from a button

Moving objects with timer

Let’s say that we want a label that we can turn like a page, by clicking a Next-button below. We want to label to disappear to the right, and then a “new” page to enter from the left.

Add three objects to a new screen: one label that we will move, and two buttons that will move the label to the left or right (I have used the ChevronLeft and ChevronRight icons in this example). Lastly, add a timer object.

Format of my example objects

To make the object move left or right, we can change the X-property of the label, which defines how many pixels from the left edge of the screen the object starts to form. If you want to place the object in the center, you can use the following code:

X = Screen1.Width/2 - Self.Width/2

Decomposed, this first puts the left edge of the object in the center of the screen, then moves it half the length of the object’s width further to the left.

This is static, which is a good place to keep it when we’re not clicking buttons. To make it move when we click a button, we must set the X-property relative to the Timer’s value.

Start with setting the Duration of the Timer, which in this example will determine how long the animation will take. I will use 600, i.e. 0,6 seconds. Make sure the AutoStart-property is set to false.

If I click the right button, I would like the label to swoosh out over the right edge, and then reappear coming in from the left. And vice versa for the left button. We will hence have three stages for the label: stationary, going out right, and returning from the left. To facilitate that, we will have an If-statement, the following states

//Not yet functional IF-statement for Label X-property
X = Screen1.Width/2 - Self.Width/2 + 
Timer1.Value > 0 && Timer1.Value <= 300, //Out right func.,
Timer1.Value > 300 && Timer1.Value <=600, //From left func,

Here, I want to send my regards to the PowerApps-team here for allowing for Elseif-gates in the If-fuction, so that we don’t need to work with a bunch of nested If-functions. Note that when Timer1.Value = 0, the align-center function is default.

To make the label move from the center to the left, we want X to go from [Half screen width ] – [Half label width] to [Full screen width]. So we need to add [Half screen width] + [Half label width] in the time 0ms to 300ms

//Adding the function to add [Half screen width] + [Half label width] over 300 milliseconds to above If-statement

X = Screen1.Width/2 - Self.Width/2 + 
Timer1.Value > 0 && Timer1.Value <= 300, 
   (Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(Timer1.Value/300),
Timer1.Value > 300 && Timer1.Value <=600, //From left func,

As Timer1.Value goes from 0 to 300, the factor (Timer1.Value/300) goes from 0 to 1, which will uniformly move the label to the left.

Once the Timer reaches 300, we want the right edge of the label to be just outside of the screen’s left edge, and then uniformly move in towards the center. So we need to start with X = – Self.Width as Timer1.Value = 300 and go to X = Screen1.Width/2 – Self.Width/2 as Timer1.Value = 600. Hence, the full function looks something like:

//Full function that moves Label to the right for the first 300 milliseconds, then in from the left for another 300 milliseconds

X = Screen1.Width/2 - Self.Width/2 + 
Timer1.Value > 0 && Timer1.Value <= 300, 
   (Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(Timer1.Value/300),
Timer1.Value > 300 && Timer1.Value <=600, 
   -(Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(1-(Timer1.Value-

The first factor will place the label outside the left edge of the screen as Timer1.Value = 300. The second factor will go from 1 to 0 as Timer1.Value goes from 300 to 600, moving the label uniformly to the center.

Finally, to connect this to the buttons below, set the ChevronRight-icon’s OnSelect-propert to a boolean context, e.g. _timerStart, and update the Timer’s Start-property to that context

//Making the ChevronRight-icon start the timer

//OnSelect for icon:
OnSelect = UpdateContext({_timerStart: true})

//Start for timer:
Start = _timerStart

In addition, change the OnTimerEnd-property for the timer to revert the boolean context back to false:

//OnTimerEnd for timer:
OnTimerEnd = UpdateContext({_timerStart: false})

The principles for making it go in the opposite direction are the same, and we can separate the two actions either by a context or with another timer. I think the context-solution is a bit more elegant, so I’ll outline it briefly.

Firstly, we add a string-context, e.g. _direction, that can take on the values left or right. The ChevronLeft-icon will change the value to left and the ChevronRight-icon will change it to right.

//OnSelect property for ChevronRight-icon:
OnSelect = UpdateContext({_timerStart: true, _direction: "right"})

//OnSelect property for ChevronLeft-icon
OnSelect = UpdateContext({_timerStart: true, _direction: "left"})

To move it in reverse fashion, the code will be:

//Full function that moves Label either to the right or to the left, and then enter from the opposite edge

X = Screen1.Width/2 - Self.Width/2 + 
If(_direction = "right", 
   Timer1.Value > 0 && Timer1.Value <= 300, 
      (Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(Timer1.Value/300),
   Timer1.Value > 300 && Timer1.Value <=600, 
      -(Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(1-(Timer1.Value-
_direction = "left",
   Timer1.Value > 0 && Timer1.Value <= 300, 
      -(Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(Timer1.Value/300),
   Timer1.Value > 300 && Timer1.Value <=600, 
      (Screen1.Width/2 + Self.Width/2)*(1-(Timer1.Value-
0), 0)

Below is what you should be able to achieve:

Animated label that moves left or right
Power Apps

ForAll Loops for updating collections

Loops are a great way to reduce the lines of code in your app, and thereby increasing maintainability. Users with a background in VBA-programming may quickly look for For-loop alternatives when updating collections, contexts or datasets. This post details a solution for that as well as some challenges you may face.

The ForAll-Function:
The ForAll function will execute a formula multiple times for each post in a table. The formula can be both actions and calculations, and interact with connections. The table part can come from a connection or a collection.

This gives us the possibility to execute something we would like to put within a for-loop in VBA, and repeat it in a for-loopish fashion. It will be a very powerful friend that will make your code much more efficient, readable, and easy to maintain.

There are some limitations that are good to be aware of. For example, you can not alter the table that you are using for iterations. It’s not a delegable function, which may be limiting. But most important, you need to be mindful of the fact formulas aren’t evaluated in any table order. If you write or remove from a connected database, it’s not clear which order the rows will execute.

The last limitation means that we cannot depend an index variable that will increase each time a loop is executed. Instead, we need to determine how many iterations we want to execute the loop in before embarking into the loop.

Let’s take three fictional employees and look at their hours worked in a given month. We’ll use two collections: _employess and _months that look like this:

Look at the collections codes

{Name: “Adam”},
{Name: “Bertrand”},
{Name: “Calvin”});
{Month: “January”},
{Month: “February”},
{Month: “March”},
{Month: “April”},
{Month: “May”},
{Month: “June”},
{Month: “July”},
{Month: “August”},
{Month: “September”},
{Month: “October”},
{Month: “November”},
{Month: “December”}

We want to combine these collections into a third collection where we randomly generate the hours they worked that month.

To do this, I’ve added another button, with the following OnSelect property:

   {Name: Blank(), Month: Blank(), Hours: Blank()});
      {Name: "Adam", Month: ThisRecord.Month, Hours: 140 + RoundDown(41 * Rand(), 0)},
      {Name: "Bertrand", Month: ThisRecord.Month, Hours: 140 + RoundDown(41 * Rand(), 0)},
      {Name: "Calvin", Month: ThisRecord.Month, Hours: 140 + RoundDown(41 * Rand(), 0)}))

The first ClearCollect-function is in order to clear the previous information in the collection. If you add to your data while retaining previous records, skip that part.

Second comes the ForAll-function. We are stating that we want it to execute the function Collect for each row in the _months collection. We are adding three items, one for each name. ThisRecord.Month is the way to extract the Month-value in the current row.

What if we want to add another employee, say David? In this current set-up we would need to add another item-clause, stating:

{Name: "David", Month: ThisRecord.Month, Hours: 140 + RoundDown(41 * Rand(), 0)}

but that will not scale well, and be aweful to maintain.

Instead, we can use the same logic we used for the months: we can loop the loop for each employee name in the _employee-collection. This is called nested loops, and it works well for the ForAll function. Instead of having three items, we condense it to one item, but loop the value for the Name-column based on the rows in the _employee-collection.

   {Name: Blank(), Month: Blank(), Hours: Blank()});
      {Name: _employees[@Name], Month: _months[@Month],
      Hours: 140 + RoundDown(41 * Rand(), 0)})))

The code is much more compact, especially as the number of employees grow.

An important part here is the disambiguation operator [@…]. By writing it like this, instead of ThisRecord.Month, we can be clear to the function which record we mean. The structure is Table[@Column].

Result from the code. Note that your figures may vary

Now, in most cases, you would rather have the user input a number for a given month, instead of randomly generating it. How can we achieve this?

We can set up 12 input text boxes for the input, and maybe add labels on top of them for clarity. If you’re coming from any coding background, you may think the next step is naming the labels in order, so that you can call programmatically call on these from the loop.

However, here’s a major weakspot of PowerApps. Input boxes (or columns or similar) cannot be dynamically called upon. Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to name your objects with clarity, hence I have named mine inpJan, inpFeb, …, inpDec. We need to create a little bulky workaround with If-functions for determining the where to fetch a certain month’s value. The below code adds an If-statement that switches the Text Input from which to fetch from, based on the record’s month.

{Name: Blank(), Month: Blank(), Hours: Blank()});
{Name: _employees[@Name], Month: _months[@Month], Hours: 
If(ThisRecord.Month = "January", Value(inpJan.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "February", Value(inpFeb.Text), 
   ThisRecord.Month = "March", Value(inpMar.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "April", Value(inpApr.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "May", Value(inpMay.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "June", Value(inpJun.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "July", Value(inpJul.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "August", Value(inpAug.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "September", Value(inpSep.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "October", Value(inpOct.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "November", Value(inpNov.Text),
   ThisRecord.Month = "December", Value(inpDec.Text),

Note: If any reader of this post finds a better workaround, I would be eternally grateful!

In this demo, I’ve added two buttons, one for generating the name and month collections, and one for saving the input into the _Combined Collection.

After adding buttons. Code next to each button for clarification

Now, as a final thing, we might not want to add the same hours for all employees. Hence, we’ll add a drop down to select the employee, name it ddEmployee, populated with _employees.Name. Then, we adjust the code by removing the first ForAll-loop and directing the Name-column to ddEmployee.SelectedText.Result.

{Name: Blank(), Month: Blank(), Hours: Blank()});
{Name: ddEmployee.Selected.Name, Month: _months[@Month], Hours: 
If(ThisRecord.Month = "January", Value(inpJan.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "February", Value(inpFeb.Text), 
ThisRecord.Month = "March", Value(inpMar.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "April", Value(inpApr.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "May", Value(inpMay.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "June", Value(inpJun.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "July", Value(inpJul.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "August", Value(inpAug.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "September", Value(inpSep.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "October", Value(inpOct.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "November", Value(inpNov.Text),
ThisRecord.Month = "December", Value(inpDec.Text),

If we add some figures and press the “Save”-button, we’ll find that the Collection-set has been replaced with the new figures.

There we go! If we would have typed this out without the loop, we would have received something far less maintainable and efficient. However, for a developer coming from VBA, there are some unfortunate workarounds that need to be accounted for. Nonetheless, the ForAll-loop will be a powerful tool in your Powerapps projects.